Dr. Brittany Ferri, PhD

Licensed Occupational Therapist
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Brittany is a registered and licensed occupational therapist who holds a PhD in Integrative Mental Health. She is the owner of a writing and consulting company called Simplicity of Health. She has direct experience in program development, behavioral health, pediatrics, and telehealth. She has published five books, lectured at 20+ OT/OTA programs, and has been quoted as a health expert by NBC News, WebMD, CNN, and other outlets.

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Dr. Brittany Ferri, PhD

Child Development

How Does Rejection-Sensitive Dysphoria Affect Your Child with ADHD?

In this article, we'll define rejection-sensitive dysphoria, discuss the effects of ADHD RSD on children, and go over how to help children cope with rejection. We'll talk about what else parents can do for RSD in children with ADHD and how Joon can help.

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Child Development

The Best Omega-3 Supplement for ADHD Child

This article will introduce Omega-3 supplements, explore how Omega 3 fatty acids can help ADHD symptoms, as well as the various types to consider supplementing with your child's diet.

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Should My Child Switch Schools? Here's How to Know

In this article, we'll talk about how to know if your child should switch schools for reasons such as a lack of academic progress or unmet concerns. Then, we'll go over how to start the process of switching to a new school and how to talk with your child about changing schools.

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Child Development

Is White Noise Good For ADHD Symptoms? Benefits And More

In this article, we'll go over whether white noise is good for people with ADHD, the benefits of white noise, and how other types of noise, such as brown noise, affect people with ADHD. Then, we'll talk about how Joon can help children with ADHD.

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ADHD Child Hitting Themself: What To Do

How do you prevent a child from hitting themselves? In this article, we'll talk about ADHD and self-harm, why some kids are prone to self-harm, and how to prevent your child from hitting themselves. Then, we'll discuss how to seek help for a child who hits themselves.

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What To Do If Your ADHD Child Destroys Things

In this article, we'll talk about common reasons kids resort to destructive behaviors and how to manage destructive behavior in kids.

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Child Development

High-Energy Child Vs. ADHD: Which One Is It?

If you have an energetic child, you might wonder, "is it high energy or ADHD?" In this article, we'll discuss the signs of ADHD, differences between a high-energy child and one with ADHD, and how to manage high energy levels in kids. Then, we'll talk about when to seek help and how Joon can benefit children with ADHD.

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How To Get Your Child To Complete Their Chores Without Arguing

In this article, we'll talk about why children may refuse to do chores and how parents can successfully encourage kids to do chores, such as using an app like Joon, using other rewards, creating a routine, or involving the rest of the family.

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Child Development

Does Adderall Help With Anxiety In Kids With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Does Adderall help with anxiety, or does it worsen anxiety symptoms? In this article, we'll talk about how Adderall can help with anxiety in those with ADHD, what Adderall is, and what side effects parents should know about.

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