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Child Development

The Power of Mindfulness for Children with ADHD

May 22, 2023
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    Mindfulness is a powerful tool for reducing stress, improving mental well-being, and building self-esteem. Teaching children and parents how to use mindfulness daily can relieve parental stress and reduce behaviors caused by ADHD.

    Mindfulness is the human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

    In this article, you will discover how daily mindfulness practice can help your child with ADHD improve their focus, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance their overall well-being.

    We'll cover the science behind mindfulness, the benefits of mindfulness, and practical strategies to incorporate mindfulness into your child's daily routine.

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    The Science Behind Mindfulness and the Reduction of ADHD Symptoms

    ADHD is a neurological disorder that affects a person's executive function skills. ADHD makes it difficult for children to focus and control their impulses. As a result, a child's ADHD often makes them feel in a constant state of chaos. Their minds race, they engage in impulsive behavior, and lack self-regulation.

    These symptoms can also make it difficult to form and maintain relationships because of a lack of social skills.

    There has been much research on the effects of mindfulness on ADHD behavior. Mindfulness meditation with children has been shown to reduce symptoms of ADHD in children as young as preschool.

    Scientific Findings

    Research suggests that the ADHD brain changes physically in response to mindfulness training! For example, a study on adults showed that the part of the brain responsible for emotional regulation grew after an 8-week mindfulness program.

    A 2022 article review on the effects of mindfulness-based interventions gathered data from twelve studies on children with ADHD. The article review indicated that children who engaged in mindfulness experienced fewer ADHD symptoms.

    The main findings indicated a significant reduction in hyperactivity, better attention span, and better impulse control. There was also limited data to support a connection between mindfulness practices and fewer behavioral problems.

    A study published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies also showed a positive link between mindfulness training and self-regulation in preschool children. This study by Rachel A. Razza observed two preschool classes for a year.

    In one class, the children participated in a mindfulness program, and the other did not. At the end of the school year, the children who used mindfulness practices were less impulsive and had better attention spans than the class who did not. Most importantly, the children who showed the most significant change were the children who had the poorest skills at the beginning of the year.

    Try Joon

    Joon is an excellent mindful parenting tool. Joon uses gamification to inspire and motivate kids with ADHD to complete tasks and stay on schedule. Using Joon makes your parenting purposeful and less stressful.

    Joon works well in conjunction with other ADHD behavioral treatments like ADHD medication and mindfulness meditation to calm and focus children and build their working memory!

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    Mindfulness for Mental Health and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    Mindfulness is a superb way to boost your and your child's mental health. Mindfulness practice improves focus and attention, helping you stay in the present moment. 

    When you're in the moment, you can engage in mindful parenting and remain calm amid your child's disruptive behavior. Mindfulness training will also help your child's ability to focus on school work or chores and improve executive function skills.

    Benefits to Parents

    Mindfulness also reduces stress and anxiety and enhances emotional regulation allowing you to parent effectively. When there is less stress, it enhances non-judgmental observation and reduces automatic responding.

    Parental overactivity is a risk parents face when raising children with ADHD or other special needs. Overreactive parenting can be caused by depression, a clash in personality traits between parent and child, and other environmental and biological factors.

    A mental health professional can work with you and your spouse or other family caregiver. Mindful parenting training books and courses also exist if you prefer to self-teach.

    Benefits to Children

    The same goes for your child! A mindfulness-based intervention will help your child stop and reflect on their emotions and calm their bodies and minds to respond better to stressful situations.

    Better control of emotions, stress, attention, and impulses will improve your child's social skills. When your child has control of their symptoms, they will perform better at school and in other social situations.

    Mindfulness can also help those with attention deficit disorder sleep better. For example, parents report that their children's sleep quality improves when they engage in meditation or mindfulness stories before bed.

    Practical Strategies for Incorporating Mindfulness into Children's Daily Routines

    Daily practice of mindfulness is an effective treatment for childhood ADHD. When combined with other treatments like medication, CBT, diet, and exercise, mindfulness is highly beneficial in reducing the symptoms of ADHD.

    When you teach your child to use mindfulness, you provide them with the tools needed to solve problems, think creatively, and regulate their emotions, preventing the adverse effects of parental over-reactivity.

    There are different ways to be mindful throughout your day.

    • Mindful breathing: Breathing exercises are helpful in calming emotions, re-centering oneself, and relaxing before bed.
    • Mindful movement: Physical activity is essential for a healthy body and brain. Spending time outdoors is especially beneficial for the brain.
    • Mindful eating: What your child puts into their body matters. Some research indicates children with ADHD benefit from specialized diets or supplements. However, always consult your child's pediatrician before starting any over-the-counter medications or supplements.
    • Mindful listening: Create a quiet space where your child can relax without excess external stimulation. Music is also beneficial for the brain. For example, classical music can calm children and help them focus while doing homework.
    • Mindful play: Put toys in your child's room that stimulate their brains and promote creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Blocks, LEGOS, magnet tiles, open-ended art supplies, books, animal and people figures, and role-playing items are great options that promote mindful play!
    • Mindful bedtime routine: Your ADHD child should have a bedtime routine that is predictable and consistent. While you may allow for minor variations here and there, children benefit from a predictable bedtime routine. Include mindfulness via meditation or a sleep story from an app like Calm.
    • Mindful meditation: Teach your child to meditate using the transcendental meditation technique of sitting or lying comfortably with their eyes closed. You can use meditation audio or video you find online or read a guided meditation script to your child. If they have a device, download a meditation app and teach them to use it independently.


    Mindfulness is a proven technique for treating ADHD and reducing its associated symptoms. The use of mindfulness and meditation in children with ADHD reduces stress and anxiety, boosts emotional regulation and attention span, and promotes the development of executive function skills.

    Parents and caregivers should encourage daily mindfulness and meditation and create an atmosphere and routine that promotes its use. Mindfulness practice is beneficial for children with ADHD and their parents. In addition, families can practice mindfulness together and discover how it fits into their individual days.

    Mindful parenting will lead to less parental stress and mindful children. In addition, children with ADHD will benefit from inserting mindfulness into daily tasks like play, eating, and movement. They can also use mindful breathing and music to calm and re-center their bodies and minds.

    With practice and mindfulness training, it will become a daily habit for you and your children, resulting in numerous benefits for the whole family!


    Sarah Schulze MSN, APRN, CPNP

    Sarah is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with a specialty certification in pediatric mental health. She works at a clinic in Champaign Illinois, providing care to children and adolescents with mental health disorders. She obtained her bachelor's in nursing from Indiana State University in 2011 and completed her master's in nursing from University of Illinois at Chicago in 2014. She is passionate about helping children create a solid foundation on which they can grow into healthy adults.


    Sarah Schulze MSN, APRN, CPNP

    Sarah is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with a specialty certification in pediatric mental health. She works at a clinic in Champaign Illinois, providing care to children and adolescents with mental health disorders. She obtained her bachelor's in nursing from Indiana State University in 2011 and completed her master's in nursing from University of Illinois at Chicago in 2014. She is passionate about helping children create a solid foundation on which they can grow into healthy adults.